What Is Islam?
The religion of Islam is the acceptance
and obedience to the teachings of God
which He revealed to His last prophet,
Belief in God:
Muslims believe in one, unique, incomparable God,
Who has no son nor partner, and that none has the right to be worshipped but Him
alone. He is the true God, and every other deity is false. He has the most
magnificent names and sublime perfect attributes. No one shares His divinity,
nor His attributes. In the Quran, God describes Himself:
Chapter 112 of the Quran written in Arabic
No one has the right to be invoked, supplicated,
prayed to, or shown any act of worship, but God alone.
God alone is the Almighty, the Creator, the
Sovereign, and the Sustainer of everything in the whole universe. He manages all
affairs. He stands in need of none of His creatures, and all His creatures
depend on Him for all that they need. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, and
the All-Knowing. In a perfect manner, His knowledge encompasses all things, the
open and the secret, and the public and the private. He knows what has happened,
what will happen, and how it will happen. No affair occurs in the whole world
except by His will. Whatever He wills is, and whatever He does not will is not
and will never be. His will is above the will of all the creatures. He has power
over all things, and He is able to do everything. He is the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful, and the Most Beneficent. In one of the sayings of the Prophet
, we are told that God
is more merciful to His creatures than a mother to her child.1
God is
far removed from injustice and tyranny. He is All-Wise in all of His actions and
decrees. If someone wants something from God, he or she can ask God directly
without asking anyone else to intercede with God for him or her.
God is not Jesus, and Jesus is not God.2
Even Jesus himself rejected this. God has said in the Quran:
God is not a trinity. God
has said in the Quran:
Islam rejects that God
rested on the seventh day of the creation, that He wrestled with one of His
angels, that He is an envious plotter against mankind, or that He is incarnate
in any human being. Islam also rejects the attribution of any human form to God.
All of these are considered blasphemous. God is the Exalted. He is far removed
from every imperfection. He never becomes weary. He does not become drowsy nor
does he sleep.
The Arabic word
Allah means God (the one and only true God who created the whole
universe). This word Allah is a name for God, which is used by Arabic
speakers, both Arab Muslims and Arab Christians. This word cannot be used to
designate anything other than the one true God. The Arabic word Allah
occurs in the Quran about 2700 times. In Aramaic, a language related closely
to Arabic and the language that Jesus habitually spoke,4 God is also referred to as
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